The Beginning of Al Raya’s First Branch Was on 70th Street (Prince Majed St.) in 1991, With a 1700sq.mtrs Selling Area and 15,000 Items That Were Available 24 Hours a Day. Al Raya Was The First of Its Kind in Jeddah To Achieve High-Quality Advantage And 24-Hour Service That Has Created a Good and Distinctive Image Among Its Customers.
Al Raya Strategies Are Low Pricing , Low-Profit Margins and Offering A Wide Variety of Food & Non-Food Products In One Place While Continuing to Expand by Opening New Branches in 45 Locations That Are:
Jeddah, Makkah, Medinah, Ta’if, Najran, Khamis, Jizan, Sabya, Al Majaridah, Abha, Ahad Al Masarihah, Arar, Yanbu, Ad Darb, Baljurashi, Zahran Aljanup, Al Qunfudhah, Bariq, Muhayil Aseer, and Al Wajh.
Al Raya Markets Meet The Needs of National & Multicultural Expatriates Through Over Than 35,000 Items That Are Well Categorized Through 2 Distribution Channels, One in Jeddah and The Other Is in Ta’if, Recently, a Third Distribution Channel Is Added in The Southern Region to Serve More Than 100,000 Daily Customers.
We Use The Best Techniques of Category Management and One Centralized Distribution Channel. We Stock Fruits, Vegetables, Meat, Dairy, Health & Beauty Aid, Bakery Products, Electronics & Household Products, Fine Jewelry & Women’s Accessories
For More Than 28 Years, We Have Been Working Hard to Satisfy Our Customers and We Continue to Provide The Highest Quality at The Best Prices and The Strongest Offers on a Permanent Basis.
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The best and newest Jizan deals, promotions, warehouse sales and coupons, updated every week and every month. We will be updating this list every time we hear about a new hot deal in Jizan. Stay tuned.
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